Recipe for Courgettes and Garlic
2 courgettes
1 head of garlic
1 tablespoon fresh thyme or to taste
juice of 1 lemon
extra virgin olive oil to taste
salt and freshly cracked pepper

Trish added Parmesan, I omitted that ingredient.
This recipe is pretty straight forward. Wash, top and tail courgettes. Pull apart garlic, but keep them in their skins. Boil courgettes and garlic in hot water for ten or so minutes. When the veg and garlic are tender, take them out of the pot and set on a towel to dry. Squeeze the cloves of garlic from their skins and mash them together with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. When the courgettes are cool enough cut into thirds or halves or if you're feeling pretty out there, quarter them length ways. If you have a large enough plate you can lie all the courgettes (I would only halve the courgettes length ways then) out and top evenly with the mashed garlic mixture. Then drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and fresh thyme. If you're like me, you may have to stack the courgettes lasagna style on to a smaller plate.
Will try these - especially the courgette.